“I really liked Logan too.” Literally all the X-Men “I thought it was great, particularly since Hugh died in his last movie, that he decided to still kind of be a part of it,” Beetz told us.
Cast of deadpool 2 archive#
Jackman is given special thanks in the credits for use of his likeness, and the archive cameo appearance – though re-edited, there’s no new footage of Jackman – allowed Reynolds and director David Leitch to finally include Wolverine in a Deadpool film, without undercutting the character’s emotional death in 2017 film Logan.

In the clip, we see Logan confronting that movie’s version of Deadpool – played by Reynolds in his first take at the character, which most fans were unhappy with – before the REAL Deadpool arrives, blowing his alternate self’s brains out and explaining that he’s “trying to clean up the timelines” after stealing a time-travel device from Cable (Josh Brolin). However, it’s after the credits when we really see him join the action, with archive footage of Wolverine from the critically-panned 2009 film X-Men Origins: Wolverine given a new twist.

Jackman’s mutant hero Wolverine hangs over quite a lot of Deadpool 2, with the character namechecked a couple of times onscreen, appearing as a grisly music box (owned by Deadpool, of course) in the opening scenes and even being featured on a child’s box of cereal (which Deadpool signs as Ryan Reynolds). Still here? Then let’s kick things off with a few X-Men.